Warning — Does Your Warehouse Pallet Racking System Need Repairing?

Usually, there are some warning signs or flags that appear as signs that you need a repair for your warehouse pallet racking system. A warehouse is one of OSHA’s high-risk working environments, so it is critical to watch for the signs to fix any damages due to the constant wear and tear of heavy loads, machinery, and operations.
Rack Inspection
The best step that your company can take to prevent any injuries and to avoid hefty OSHA fines is to inspect your pallet racks frequently.
The top causes of pallet racking damage are
- forklift damage
- racks that have been overloaded by products
- operational changes not supported by the design
- damage from equipment that has been used incorrectly
- money-saving tactics like purchasing a rack with reduced capacity
- faulty equipment
- user error
- unequal rack levels
- rust or corrosion
- uprights bent or damaged
- beams with incorrect hardware
Common Signs If Your Pallet Racks Need Repair
There are some common things to look for if your pallet rack is getting ready to fail or it is damaged and could cause a significant potential problem.
Watch for these signs which can save you time and money repairing instead of replacing.
Dents or physical damage
A forklift or other company vehicle can easily cause damage to the pallet racking system, which may have compromised its structure.
Bent beams
This can be caused by poor construction or overloading.
Tilted racks
Created as a result of poor product stacking or weak beams.
Overloaded racks
The warehouse pallet rack support structure will eventually buckle under too much weight, so this is extremely critical to review and fix.
Poor assembly
Poor rack assembly can lead to a potential danger since there is inefficient weight distribution for products.
To avoid any injury or damage to your employees and equipment in your warehouse, make sure you watch for any signs that indicate you have a potential problem. Also, it is imperative to have a professional inspect your warehouse racking system at least annually if not more often. Schedule an inspection, especially if you have any changes made to your system that could cause future problems.
Give us a call at 404-516-0611 to schedule your warehouse review or contact us for a free consultation.
Warehouse Racking Inspections
Versatile Industrial Maintenance Inc. (VIM) in Lawrenceville, GA offers rack inspections and provides a full detailed report. Usually, these are done for no charge if we do the repairs.
We are an independent fabricator, equipment installer of industrial maintenance expertise that specializes in custom warehouse rack repairs. We enjoy taking on challenges offered by the Warehousing industry. We offer custom solutions to storage, safety, and ergonomic issues utilizing our resources and skills to provide custom access platforms, conveyor crossovers, and custom picking carts, and more!
Versatile Industrial Maintenance Inc. was established in 2006 in Lawrenceville, GA, and draws on over 40 years of manufacturing and facility maintenance experience with a high emphasis on regulatory and safety. VIM specializes in warehouse rack repairs. Contact us for a free consultation via email or call 404-516-0611.